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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My journey of life with the C's

My journey towards accomplishment began with a C that turned my life to a completely different career. Aspiring for Civil services as my only aim in my career i was selected in MNIT jaipur in the Computer branch and from there my life was steered in a totally different direction. Since then i did nothing it was destiny n my fate that r rowing my boat towards an unknown horizon. That was the 1st "C".The next C was the batch i was allocated into that is the C batch. It was a batch of lots of geniuses, but it was my disinterest towards Computer's Branch that i was losing the aggressive streak that was my forte all through my life. Gradually I lost interest in studies. The irony was that even i didn’t allowed my conscious mind to let it know that i was on the wrong track, I always console my mind that i m doing things i am interested in..Actually that was where i lost coz even if u don’t have interest in anything u cant totally ignore studies for which u have spent all ur life. I kept doing things that were totally irrelevant from my B.Tech.Likewise i prepared for Civil services for the first 2 yrs , involved myself in lots of extracurricular activities. Started an organization on college level that helped students to get exposure to Bring out their talents and to get rid of what is called as stage Phobia. But the true fact was that it helped me a lot in enhancing my confidence .I got to know that i can convince people ,i can handle crowd and i can be a good motivator. It was not like that I came up only with my good qualities but also where I was weak in. I came to know that i can break under pressure .I can lost my temper when handling unfavorable conditions. It was from there a thought of my inner self take a giant leap, that i posses that leadership qualities. And i can be a future entrepreneur. The Leo inside me was roaring, And that was where again my boat towards life take a 90 degree turn.. i m gonna b a future manager!!I was unaware that whether it was overconfidence or being complacent...But that’s my way of thinking out of the box..So since then i worked towards clearing yet another C.That’s "CAT".
Although my destination was clear but neither my steps were having those firmness nor i was able to have that perseverance in my mind. I can never control my mind from getting involved in the intricacies if the surroundings. But it was myself belief that kept me going. Final Yr of Btech when all were putting their healthy mind n soul for getting a good campus placement i just kept my mind cool, decided not to get totally involved in a rat race, but still for sake of getting some job appeared in Cognizant as my 1st company and to my heights of ecstasy i was placed where most of my batch mates who have been brilliant in Academics couldn’t. And that too i topped the written test!!In the midst of all these CAT result came n i failed, although by an inch!!I I was sad coz now i have to work for my 3rd C i.e. Cognizant as an Computer Engineer...I haven’t thought in my dreams. My journey was not a roller coaster ride, problems were yet to arise. The joining of my Company Cognizant was delayed. I never got disheartened by that coz I took that as an oppurtunity.Again i started preparing for CAT. After 6 months when the CAT n allied institutes results were out i had mixed feelings, most on the unhappy side coz this year too i couldn’t made it To the prestigious IIM's.Although i topped in an all India exam and was giving interviews to newspapers during those days, but again that tough luck n fate n destinies..These consolements were like taking out the flesh from a live fish..n i was d fish that time..Still where there is a will there is a way...but for me where there is a way...i make sure that there i can make my will!!Next 1 month I was giving lectures in Career Launcher. The 4th "C" of my life. That was not so important in my life but still it gave me few days to forget the failures Of CAT at least to some extent.Within a month Cognizant finally felt the pain of thousands of students with delayed joining and i got posted for Chennai!!!
OOps the 5th "C" and it came quite surprisingly. I had no choice this time but to say yes coz no other way to get good BSchool except by getting Work Experience. So started my journey towards Chennai.I have never been so far from my place n initially I was feeling that i was going to be put into some concentration Camps of Hitler and I was anti Nazi..But still taking this too as an opportunity I reached Chennai...Much different from the outer world.First few days i never felt I was in India.At least some good feeling of having a passport n Visa!! Slowly n slowly accustomed myself to the boring training sessions and hopeless life of Chennai. Reaching from my place to office in bus was in itself fighting a lone battle in Afghanistan where u are unaware of the next move of talibanis! In Chennai the bus are overloaded and you can find as many people inside the bus as many as hanging on the bus!!The smell of rice in its millions forms made me hostile towards rice. I was nostalgic as there were just 2 clolors i can see around: Black and white. The dull life of Chennai was sufficient enough to add salt to my unhealed wounds. But here too with a couple of friends i tried to add spice to my life, and within few months i found Chennai a bit interesting. The people there were so helpful for the North Indians, sometimes it was heart touching to get so much respect from people who r even not able to understand our language. I had some preconceived notions for South that the people there are corrupt but believe me they are very true and down to earth, at least the persons whom I met! Awesome beaches,the spirituality of temples, the innocence of peoples and their smiles which can b visible from miles...i have started developing a taste for Chennai. All the fun during the training sessions, be it singing ,dancing or mimicry and the nervousness and nail biting days of the modules tests, my extra bit of smartness while making me n others pass in the modules test...all this has added a much awaited spice in my life..I was enjoying the hilarious life of Chennai but as usual Life again got a new turn .. I got deployed to Calcutta n from my whole batch, i was the only one.So my soul was ready to wander to a totally new place carrying with it just memories of last four months with a heavy heart and a deep breath.A journey towards a new C..Calcutta :)
It is not very easy to start all over again but the spirits to explore new places kept me handling my nerves..First few days i stayed with my friend. Kolkata as I have heard was the most unlaundered place to live in. The overcrowded buses, the lull faces of almost all the passengers as if all have boarded after having a fight at their homes, fountanic roads, The long queues for almost everything,politicians giving speeches when no one is listening to them, the zero humour of almost all the localites were the first few things i noticed about this city of joy..In no way it gives joy to anyone..The foul smell of fish and All time 100% humidity was something that was making my life like a dog who has no shelter to save himself during rain. In the Initial days what attracted and lured me towards this 'City of Joy' was the divine beauty of gals here.60% of the gals in Kolkata are very attractive with sharp features and most beautiful eyes and that was my only motivation to stay back here. I always believe that in kolkata everything belongs to different eras, where the gals of Kolkata can definitely said to be extra modernized and can say are 30-40 yrs forward, The guys here are horribly boring ,introvert and have Zero sense of humour.They know nothing more than Ganguly and the heritage of Kolkata which they are preserving since age of Adam and Eve. Most of the buildings monuments of Kolkata are suffering from wear n tear but no renovation just in the name of preserving their 'Heritage’. Despite of all these things Kolkata’s life is much smoother than pace life of all other metros .Even in IT sector competition is there but people do not act as paranoids as in north. The simplicity of the people is worth describing. People are more social than any place in India, they know how to make n retain relations. I have enjoyed last 9 months in Kolkata enjoying all its flavors: B it in my workplace in cognizant with the most energetic, young, fun loving team; Be it the Cricket tournament where i played with almost broken leg, null fitness but still ended as 2nd highest run getter of the tournament; Be it the Octaves dance competition wid our gang “Step Up";be it trip to Gangtok..My journey has been reviving, reinventing myself,exhilirating ...I got some of the best friends of my life and i really possess lots of memory which i will cherish all through my life..Kolkata has really turned out to be "city of Joy" for me.
Till now i m enjoying this "C" of my life in all possible way, but still has an anxiety what is going to be my next C..Is it going to be imposed or will it be on my choice.. This is a big question n this time i m going to answer this by my never say die spirits. I m pretty sure that this time it would be me who is going to shape my future with my enduring perseverance and may be next year You can find me landing into some Different world of C's…..

To B continued..
This is not the end.. This is the beginning


Unknown said...

Now this 'C' should end like this : Marry with girl start name with 'C' from 'C' village :D:D:D
btw very nice blog... idiot tum etna accha b likhte ho mujhe to pata he nhi tha....keep it up...

Logeswarachakravarthi said...

Cool blog. Another 'C'. Keep Blogging

Moumita said...

Hmmmm.. I C... Quite a gist about your attitude and life... :)...

Sangeeta Bhattacharya said...

awesome narration...
You know we never realize it when things happen but some years down the line when you'd look back, you'll find that everything has fallen into place.
They say.. "All planning of this world is not going to give us the life we end up living..ultimately it's the unplanned life that is worth living"
I believe there has been a purpose to every adversity u've faced. who knows it's probably something only you could handle.
liked ur attitude. All the best for the next C :):)