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Thursday, June 19, 2008

T-20 ...Is it a threat to Odi's n test cricket??

The new t-20 format of cricket is in reality a threat to odi n test cricket but in some forms it can b thought as a boon to cricket players.This form of cricket definetely provides a lots of prospectives that can not b brought by either test or d odi's .Unlimited entertainment in just 4 hours.surity of the result no more long n boring innings by the batsman.It's actually the demand of hour where people finds it hard to get a day free from their hectic schedule they too found the shortcut of entertainment;glamour,corporates giants,cheergirls,n the biggest extravanga of cricket all at the same it not better than what a multiplex or a big shopping mall can offer.People get more entertainment than what they paid for..Uptill now there were support to the national home team,which has now swerved competely to the home state team.Peopole r overjoyed when they see their local champs playing with international legends.. which can never b seen in odis. their can b some views that the quality of cricket can b degraded on this format..but do u think that quality of cricket has been degraded when odi's were introduced after the test.. definetely no..instead every new form of competiitve cricket will definely tone the skills of our young guns.. new talent who were eager to show case their talent at international level. this is a real test to them..and that cud b clearly seen in in first championship.. the names that rises to this ocasson were unknown i think this form of cricket require extra skils..its not only a game of skillls but definetely game of mind too..each sec u have to b physivcally n mentally fit..a small mistake can change the tide of the game..Twenty20 was thought to b the gas chamber for the bowler but now it is clear that even the bowlers too smtimes dominate in the small version..each bowl has to b thrown keeping the mind setof the bowlers.Batsman too r deriving new batting techniques ,that dosent maens that they will forget the older ones.So how can one say that it requires less skils..Actually these things r just spread by the dogmatic personalities who felt threatened by the unprecedented success of the IPL N d ICL's.
Now as far as the odi's n test matches r concerned they will naturally lost some of their viewers but but they wont get completely extinct.Same was the case when odi's were introduced in the 1975..but still test cricket legacy is continuing as they r still considerd the purest form of cricket by ardent fans.. Yes more crowd could still b dragged to the stadiums by creating result oriented pitches and not looking to the the favouritm of the home teams.Only competition in one field can bring out the best from them and so is this t-20 format , going to bring to the cricket.Test n odi's should not b allowed to whirl in the strom of T-20 ,instead they sholud also incorporate some new ideas ,so as to let the spirits ofcricket to reach new heights.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Someone is going 2 share each part of u’r life,

Who else can dare to do so except u’r wife.

Think of that someone keep all thing aside,

Who else can be that one except your bride.

U’r in comfort b’coz everything is same,

Make her feel the same with her new sur name.

U may love u’r family, U may love u’r friends,

But she will love you only, till sky finds an ends.

U may live u’r life, but she will live for you,

All her precious moments, she will give 2 you.

For this world, you are someone,

But for someone you are the world.

Ritu Gupta....Kota